liebster award nominee: adventures of kaitlyn and nick

i am really excited to be nominated for the liebster award by or from my path in the world. i was really happy to be chosen because i am new to blogging and trying to find my way still. 

so what is this award about?

The Liebster Award 2018 is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

liebster award 2018 rules

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you. Link back to their blog.
  • Display the Liebster Award 2018 logo on your website.
  • List the Liebster Awards 2018 rules in your post.
  • Write about what makes you passionate about blog posting.
  • Answer a set of questions given to you by the person who nominated you and provides a set of questions for the people of the blogs you have nominated. The most unique and creative questions win.
  • Pay it forward: nominate a further 5 – 11 bloggers that they think have great content that you enjoy, admire or inspires you. Let them know that they have been nominated.
  • Link the original Liebster Award 2018 post of the Global Aussie in your blog post, available here.
  • Comment on the original Liebster Award 2018 blog post with the link to your own Liebster blog post.

what makes me passionate about blogging

i started blogging this year. i have always loved travel and since nick and i started dating we have been having adventures together. i have found so much inspiration from travel blogs that i wanted to be able to do that for other people. i want to see the whole wide world and inspire others to do the same. 

i also love planning travel. i am definitely the planner in our relationship. i want to be able to share my carefully planned itineraries to make it as easy for others to travel as possible. by sharing these i can share how our adventures actually went and my advice for future travelers so they can have the best trip possible! 


1. what’s the worst travel advice you’ve been given?

really any advice advising against going out and exploring and seeing the local culture. people can be afraid of what they don’t know and it can limit the experiences and adventures they can have. 

2. if you could only travel to one country for the rest of your life, which country would it be?

this is a tough question. i haven’t been to as many countries as i want. i would say either the united states where i live now or new zealand. i haven’t been to new zealand yet, but it’s high on my list!

3. were you ever disappointed in a certain destination? where was it and why were you disappointed?

i was disappointed in the vatican. the architecture and art was absolutely amazing, but i was disappointed by the crowds. i felt that people were rude and we were all jammed into much too small of a space to really be able to enjoy the history of the area. 

4. what’s the weirdest item you have to have while travelling?

i don’t think i travel with anything weird, but maybe that’s just because i’m used to it! nick has started travelling with a pillow to ease some tailbone pain. for me it’s snacks and a drink so i don’t get hangry!

5. city trip or road trip?

road trip, hands down, no debate!

6. what’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done while travelling?

7. where’s the least touristy destination you’ve visited and was it worth visiting?

i have visited countless small towns in the mid-west while living here over the last seven years. what i’ve found is even in these small towns there are adventures to be had. local bars and restaurants as well as local festivals. ackley iowa and the sauerkraut days come to mind as someplace no tourist would ever visit, but i’ve had a great weekend there. 

8. where have you had your best meal?

i love food and truly believe the local culture can be tasted as well as seen! with that said, it is hard to narrow down. it’s not really a meal, but the huckleberry ice cream i had in olympic national park in washington state is definitely near the top of the list.

9. what do you like to do besides travelling?

i love to play volleyball and read!

10. what’s your take on social media?

i think social media can be used for good or evil. i’m trying to get more familiar with all the different platforms as i work to grow this blog, but i am still a novice. 

11. what do you want to accomplish during 2019?

i want to keep writing and sharing our adventures. and having adventures! i turn 30 and nick turns 35, so it will be a big a year for us. i am also making a pre 40 buckets list with all the adventures we want to have!

my nominations

let’s get tripsy

all other colours

endless family travels

meandering moo

carry on with kids

nomadic nerd

my questions for my nominees

  1. what’s number 1 on your travel bucket list and why?
  2. what is one place you have no interest in visiting and why?
  3. are you a planner or a fly by the seat of your pants traveler?
  4. what is one thing you can’t travel without?
  5. what is your favorite souvenir you’ve gotten, where is it from, and why?
  6. do you like to travel by yourself? why?
  7. what is the longest trip you’ve ever been on?
  8. what is a travel gadget you’ve gotten what was worthless?
  9. what is the best travel advice you’ve ever received?
  10. what is one destination that exceeded your expectations?
  11. what is your least favorite part about blogging?

follow us on social media to stay up to date on all our adventures! facebook, instagram, twitter, and pinterest are great places to get travel and adventure inspiration!